Friday, 4 March 2011

Possibilities for Portfoilio?

This is another possibility for my portfolio...
The actual face was done last year, but what I find now, is that when I visit the work again, with fresh eyes as it were, and see if I could possibly improve it.
This image was shouting out to be put on a coloured background. I tried out some others, but this dullish yellow seemed to work the best.
The face is once again, influenced from the 1960s and so that is why I have chosen this foreground colour, as this yellow occured rather a lot in that era.
It is rather simple, just to add the colour, but I think that is all the image needed as in my opinion, it is a rather decent drawing.
I will be doing this way of working in the future: producing work or look at the images I have produced in the past and to look at them in a different light and see if they could be improved at a later date.

Possibilities for Portfoilio?

Yesterday, I spent the day putting these sketches together in a collage.
I have so many small doodles and quick sketches everywhere, that I suddenly decided that instead of having all these pieces of paper flying around and not in any particular order, why not put them all together on one sheet of paper and possibly use it as a piece of work in my portfolio, to show any future clients that I can do quick sketches and that they still look rather good.
To be honest, I thought I had done the difficult thing by producing these images, but it turns out I spent more time scanning these elements into the computer and put them together in a decent composition!
The bottom image was my first attempt.
I am really happy with the right hand side, the legs, the figures and the faces. This is because I think they work well together as one. They flow quite well as everywhere one looks, there are many elements for one to look at.
The trouble I am having with the left hand side is the colour I have introduced and the 2 faces. I think that the limited colour works, but possibly they would look better as another piece of work.
The faces are taken from the iconic Edie Sedgwick. When I was drawing the separate elements that are inspired from the 1960s, I thought that including her would work, but as I have said, I don't think this suits the page.
So, on the final image, the top one, I have left one of the faces out and also the colour and I hope it works. In my view I think it does work better, having taken out one of the faces and kept the black and white face.
I decided to take one of my favourite images made from ink and water, the Jean Shrimptonesque figure in the centre of the page.
I was thinking maybe to add text in the centre of the drawings, which I will try out, but for an image in my portfolio, I thought that this works better.
To look at the 2 images here, I do think that they have turned out rather well and am rather proud with what has happened with the small images put together.
I think when I am working on them again, I need to introduce colour, possibly watercolours, only one or two colours, to see how it could bring this image more to life.